Evaluation: Question 4

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

To answer this question you must refer back to the audience research you did prior to your filming. There were two tasks set - this and that - so use what you can from your findings to help you answer this question.

IF you didn't do that audience look at this task here - find a film that is similar to yours and get some data about who went to see it.

Take a screenshot of the audience breakdown - explain what site you got it from and what information you believe it gives you about your audience.

Try to identify an age group, gender and class group. Now you've got the basis to develop an idea of what you're target audience would be:

Identify and explain the following:
What other media (TV, film, books, music, games, magazines) would they be into.
What brands of clothing, food, 
What hobbies/special interest they might have.

Write up you reasoning behind your choices and illustrate it with appropriate images and videos.

IF and only IF you have the time and the skills you could illustrate your findings like this.