Evaluation: Question 7

7. Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing
task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to
full product?

Have a go at answering the question - embed you're Prelim if you want
to or at least back up your points with screenshots from your prelim.

Some tips -
You learned several key techniques during the prelim: close-up,
match-on-action, 180 degree rule, shot-counter-shot
You used these techniques to prove you could editing them together to
create coherent logical flow to the action (continuity editing).
You could explain that these techniques then allowed you to use
continuity editing for your Thriller and make ensure a logical flow to
the action.

You may have used several of these techniques in your Thriller opening
but for different reasons.
For example:
In your prelim you used a close-up shot on the door handle to give
specific information to the audience about the movement and intention
of your onscreen character. This then led into the match-on-action
shot of the door opening. The use of the close-up was to help the
audience understand what was happening. In your Thriller you might
have used the close-up on hands and the feet of the killer (for
instance) in order to keep their identity and face a mystery. So you
could argue that you have taken a technique learned in the prelim - but developed 
it to use it to create a different effect/meaning. So think what you did with the other techniques.

Man opening door

Man on his way to slay the innocent


Either approach is valid - just be sure you use the terminology
correctly (look for definitions if you're unsure) and back-up your
points with appropriate images and video.